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Tuesday 8 February 2011

A difficult day.

An arrangement to go walking with a friend today was cancelled on the last minute , and as it was a lovely day and I was dressed for walking I walked the 4 miles to my Mums, had a cup of coffee and a piece of toast and walked back. I had hoped that the walk would inspire me to get on with some writing when I got back after lunch.
It didn't.
Mum had been upset telling me about the horrid bloke who lives at the back of them, hammering on their door and aggressivly accusing my Dad of destroying his privet hedge. Dad is 84yrs old and frail and it upset him so much he couldn't eat and felt sick for days. And the truth is that Dad planted the trees and hedge around their garden 52 years ago when they moved in and the plot was bare. The guy at the back has only lived there 30 years and doesnt look after his garden and the trees and that bit of hedge were dead anyway. Dad had the trees taken down and had a nice strong fence put in , he is too old now to care for the trees and that part of the hedge and he paid for it all himself.  I was so angry that the guy had dared to upset my dad like that  that the only creative writing I could think of on the walk back home was writing an angry letter to the brute.
When I was on my way home, my aunty phoned and asked if I could pick her up and run her to Southport Hospital to bring my Uncle home from a stay over the weekend, there had been some concern about his heart. I was happy to do that, Aunty Al has always been there for me when I needed her. My uncle was glad to be home and I went sraight from my aunties to ballroom dancing. Good job I'd thought to put my dancing shoes in the car. When I got to the dancing school there was a new couple joining us, and it rapidly became apparent that the woman wanted the attention and was a big know it all and thought she owned the floor. Consequently neither of us enjoyed it much tonight and I have come home on a low when usually we have laughed and giggled through the hour, as well as danced, and I usually come home on a high.
I thought that all the activity of the day had prevented me from writing..... then I realised that had only been an excuse, and I had woken up with writers block and hadn't felt like the challenge of overcoming it.
I also realised that the tutors label of 'dirty realism .. in the kitchen sink sense' that had described my story for the OU has really put me off writing at the moment, and I need to get out of that mindset.

Ho hum

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