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Thursday 10 January 2013

The next challenge and a new toy

So... I started the 100 k words in 100 days challenge on first January.

It's amazing to find how many words I actually write !
My lovely hubby bought me an iPad for Christmas when he saw how serious I was about writing . I think the 50,000 word completion of Nanowrimo convinced him.
So now I have this wonderful invention ... The iPad, ...and a great app.. Writing spot.. And on it over the last 10 days I have added ideas and plots for 19 novels and 5 short stories , yes that is right, and altogether just writing on the writing spot app comes to over 14,000 words.
Pen and paper- I am going to make you part time accessories now that I have my full time writing equipment.
 What did I do today? I went to the gallery to research for my next novel.
I am leaving the Nanowrimo novel for a month or two before going back to it, because that way I can read it with fresh eyes and correct delete and add to it .
I am really excited to be starting the year on such a positive note.

Happy 2013 everyone.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Here's an interesting question (for me anyway)

I took on the nanowrimo challenge full of self doubt and expecting to fail, but I rose to the challenge and 50,539 words later, I won!

No one could be more surprised than me.

 But here's the 'thing'...

When I won, I felt like a winner.
When I got the certificate, it proved I was a winner.
I bought the T shirt to look like a winner.
When I wear the T shirt I act like a winner.

Does wearing a T shirt boasting of your achievements make you a Loser?
(Aside from having to pay for the unflattering, shapeless thing, plus customs duty! )

Will anyone staring long enough at my boobs, to read the message printed on the T shirt there, even care ?

The funny thing is... after I won nano, I was full of ambition. The further away the finish date became, the less I felt like a winner and the 'who am I to think I can write anything worth reading' devil jumped on my shoulder and shouted down any attempts I made at striding for a goal.

Now, like Superman and Dumbo, when I wear the (awful, shapeless) T shirt, I can do anything.
I wore it to go for a walk at 7.15 this morning and ended up jogging! I never jog.
I was only ever a 100m / 200m sprinter, even in my young and fit days I couldn't jog or run over 400m. Today... wearing the T shirt I jogged a mile and power walked just under 3 miles before returning home at 8.30 am :)

Now I'm saying i will do that everyday, but today I achieved something else too...

The feel good factor.

I'm off to type some more novel .......